All About Dinesh Auluck Owner Of Speed Records , Pitara & Chaupal , Birthday Special , Details Inside

Today is the birthday of Dinesh Auluck, he was born on 28 December. He is the man behind the huge success of one of the biggest label Speed Records, He is the owner and Co- founder of speed records. Dinesh Auluck definitely is a hard working and a creative man with quality content.
He brought talented artist in punjabi music industry and built an empire.

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Dinesh Auluck was the person behind the success of Famous punjabi singer Jazzy B,he managed Jazzy B’s career and help him to launch his album ‘Folk N funky’ in year 2000. After which they both call brother each other. He is also known for his produced movies Mini Punjab, jatt and Juliet and high end yarian.

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Moreover, Dinesh Auluck always respect a talent of an artist, he prefer qualities such as good vocals and lyrics. He’s been doing a great job at handling the largest music label of punjabi music industry.

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Happy birthday to Dinesh Auluck from our Sirf Panjabiyat team. We wish him the luck and the more success the coming future.

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