Renowned Indian singer B Praak dazzled the audience with his soulful voice at the grand celebration of Anant Ambani’s 28th birthday in Dubai. The son of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, Anant enjoyed an extravagant party filled with music, dance, and A-list guests from the entertainment and business industries.The celebration, which took place at a luxurious venue in Dubai, was a star-studded affair with B Praak’s live performance as the highlight of the evening. The Punjabi music sensation performed some of his chart-topping hits, leaving the guests spellbound and swaying to his melodious tunes.
B Praak, known for his powerful and soul-stirring voice, has garnered immense popularity in recent years. With songs like ‘Mann Bharrya’ and ‘Teri Mitti’, the singer has carved a niche for himself in the Indian music industry. His performance at Anant’s birthday party further elevated his status as one of the leading artists in the country.The birthday boy, Anant Ambani, was seen enjoying the night with his friends and family. His parents, Mukesh and Nita Ambani, were also in attendance, expressing their love and support for their son on his special day. The celebration was filled with exquisite food, stunning decorations, and a fantastic display of fireworks that lit up the Dubai skyline.