The highly anticipated Bollywood film, a biopic on the life of legendary Punjabi singer Amar Singh Chamkila, has hit a legal snag. The project, which stars Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra in the leading roles of Chamkila and his wife Bibi Amarjot Kaur, has been temporarily put on hold by a court order.The court of Civil Judge, Senior Division, Harsimranjit Singh has issued an order restricting Reliance Entertainment, producer and director Imtiaz Ali, actors Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, and Gurmail Kaur, wife of late Punjabi singer Amar Singh Chamkila, from broadcasting, releasing, uploading, and streaming the Chamkila biopic in any manner.
The decision came after a petition filed by Ishjeet Randhawa and Sanjot Randhawa, sons of late producer Gurdev Singh Randhawa. According to the petitioners, Chamkila’s wife had previously granted the rights to create a biopic on the singer’s life to their father. In return, she was paid a sum of 5 lakhs INR, and no time limit was set for the completion of the biopic.
Following the death of producer Gurdev Singh Randhawa in November 2022, his sons began preparations to make the biopic. However, they claim that Gurmail Kaur started delaying the matter, and it was later discovered that a competing biopic based on Chamkila’s life was in development in Bollywood.
The court’s intervention has left the fate of the much-awaited Chamkila biopic uncertain, and fans of the iconic singer and the star-studded cast will have to wait for further developments. The legal battle between the two parties is expected to continue, as the claimants seek to protect their rights to the story of the influential Punjabi musician.
As the case unfolds, the ultimate fate of the Chamkila biopic and its potential release date remain uncertain. Until a resolution is reached, the excitement surrounding this highly anticipated Bollywood project will be tempered by the ongoing legal dispute.