Parineeti Chopra and Diljit Dosanjh have wrapped up shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s much-awaited film, Chamkila. The movie, which was extensively shot in Punjab, has the duo portraying the greatest singers from the state. Diljit took to social media to heap praises on his co-actor Parineeti, calling her performance “unbelievable”.
This marks the first-time collaboration between the two actors, who have a huge fan following across the country. Fans are excited to see them share screen space in a movie directed by Imtiaz Ali, who is known for his unique storytelling style.
Parineeti, too, expressed her gratitude towards the entire crew of the film and shared her experience on social media. She called the experience the “most heavenly crew and experience” and said that her life remains forever changed.
With such positive feedback from the cast and crew, fans are eagerly waiting for Chamkila’s release. The movie promises to be a visual treat for the audience, with Imtiaz Ali’s direction and the talented performances of Parineeti and Diljit. It is sure to leave a lasting impact on the viewers and cement the actors’ position as top-notch performers in the industry.