Desi Melodies and Dreamiyata Entertainment have announced their upcoming movie, “Jatt Ko Chudel Takri”, which is set to release on October 13, 2023. The movie will star the popular duo, Gippy Grewal and Sargun Mehta, and will be written by the renowned writer, Amberdeep Singh, and directed by the talented Vikas Vanshisth.
The movie is expected to be a fun-filled, entertaining ride that showcases the chemistry between Gippy Grewal and Sargun Mehta. The producers, Jaani and Sargun Mehta, are known for their innovative storytelling and are sure to deliver a movie that will capture the hearts of audiences.
Gippy Grewal and Sargun Mehta have both carved a niche for themselves in the Indian film industry and are known for their exceptional acting skills. Amberdeep Singh’s writing and Vikas Vanshisth’s direction are expected to add a unique flavor to the movie and take it to new heights.
Overall, “Jatt Ko Chudel Takri” is a movie that promises to be a must-watch for all movie lovers. With its stellar cast, talented crew, and a promising storyline, it is expected to be a blockbuster hit upon its release in October 2023.