Punjabi singing and acting sensation Gurnam Bhullar recently announced that he would be taking a break from social media to concentrate on his upcoming projects. In a heartfelt post shared with his followers, Bhullar expressed his intention to focus on his work, including the highly anticipated sequel to the hit Punjabi film ‘Lekh,’ and promised to return to social media soon.
Bhullar, who has gained immense popularity for his soulful voice and charismatic acting, explained in his post that he needs to devote his undivided attention to the projects in the pipeline. According to reports, Gurnam is currently working on ‘Lekh 2’ and will be announcing the details of the movie soon. The original ‘Lekh’ received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike, and expectations for the sequel are sky-high.
Fans have been eagerly waiting for updates on Bhullar’s upcoming ventures, and his decision to take a social media hiatus has left them both concerned and supportive. Many of his followers took to social media to express their understanding and send their best wishes for his projects. They also look forward to his return with exciting updates and a renewed presence.
Gurnam Bhullar has been a prominent figure in the Punjabi entertainment industry, known for his chart-topping songs and blockbuster films. His dedication to his craft has been evident through his continuous efforts to deliver quality content to his audience. Bhullar’s decision to step back from social media to immerse himself in his work speaks volumes about his commitment to his art.
As the Punjabi film industry awaits the arrival of ‘Lekh 2’ and other projects, Gurnam Bhullar’s absence from social media will undoubtedly be felt. However, his fans can rest assured that he will return with a fresh perspective and a host of exciting announcements. Until then, they can continue to enjoy his music and films and look forward to the magic he is set to create on the big screen.