Have you ever think how big TV Networks/Media work? We think it’s all easy right?…. Let us introduce you With Mr.Harjinder Singh tone of the man who Handling Artist Management On PTC Platfrom. He is the essential face of the PTC Punjabi channel & Asst.Vice President there.
He belongs to Jalandhar and has done his schooling there as well. He is an Assistant Vice President of PTC Punjabi channel and He manages all the music labels and artists along all there “Messed Up things”.
Now of course he faced a lot of struggles before accomplishing something, all the hard work he have done to achieve something he wanted. After some hurdles, he finally became his best and joined ETC Punjabi channel in 2004, After some more he Joined PTC Network in 2007. Its been almost 15 years he is connect with PTC .
On the Occasion of his birthday, We are thanking him for his dedication to providing us with Punjabi quality content. We really want more people like him who are dedicated to work and Always in search to provide quality and versatile quality content