The Punjabi music industry is abuzz with the news of the upcoming collaboration between two of its biggest names – Jasmine Sandlas and B Praak. The duo has announced their latest track, ‘Ittar’, which is written by the prolific songwriter, Jaani. The music video for the song will be directed by the talented Arvindr Khaira, while Desi Melodies will be presenting it.
Jasmine Sandlas is known for her soulful and melodious voice, which has won her a huge fan following not just in India but also abroad. Her previous collaborations with B Praak have been major hits, and fans are eagerly waiting to see what the duo has in store this time.
B Praak, on the other hand, has made a name for himself as a music producer, composer, and singer. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry and has given some of the biggest hits of recent times. His collaboration with Jasmine Sandlas promises to be another feather in his cap.
The song ‘Ittar’ has been written by Jaani, who is known for his powerful and emotional lyrics. The combination of his words and Jasmine Sandlas’s voice is sure to strike a chord with listeners. The music video, directed by Arvindr Khaira, is expected to be a visual treat for fans.Desi Melodies, one of the leading music labels in the industry, will be presenting the song. The label has been known to promote and nurture new talent and has given some of the biggest hits of recent times.The song ‘Ittar’ is set to release on March 7, 2023, and fans can’t wait to hear it. With the star power of Jasmine Sandlas and B Praak, the lyrical prowess of Jaani, the visual brilliance of Arvindr Khaira, and the backing of Desi Melodies, this song promises to be a blockbuster hit.