The highly anticipated sequel, “Son of Sardaar 2,” has officially begun its filming in the picturesque landscapes of Scotland. Directed by Vijay Kumar Arora, this family entertainer brings together an impressive ensemble cast featuring Bollywood heavyweights like Ajay Devgn, Rvi Krishan and Mrunal Thakur.
However, one of the most exciting additions to the cast is the beloved Punjabi actress Neeru Bajwa, whose involvement has generated significant buzz among fans. Known for her stellar performances in Punjabi cinema, Neeru Bajwa’s inclusion in this Bollywood blockbuster marks a significant crossover and adds a new layer of anticipation to the film.
Neeru Bajwa, who has consistently delivered outstanding performances throughout her career, is set to bring her unique charm and acting prowess to “Son of Sardaar 2.” Her role, while still under wraps, is expected to be pivotal in the storyline, contributing to the film’s quirky and entertaining narrative.