Punjabi film star Neeru Bajwa has announced her next project, “Boohey Bariyan,” following the remarkable success of her recent film “Chal Jindiye.” The movie is set to hit theaters on September 29, 2023.”Boohey Bariyan” boasts an ensemble cast including Neeru Bajwa, Nirmal Rishi, Rubina Bajwa, Rupinder Rupi, Gurpreet Bhangu, Seema Kaushal, and Malkeet Rauni. Written by Jagdeep Warring, the film will be directed by Uday Partap Singh, who has previously worked on other notable Punjabi projects.
The film is a collaborative production between Neeru Bajwa Entertainment, U&I Films, and Lienniaz Entertainment. This partnership promises to deliver an exceptional cinematic experience, showcasing the rich Punjabi culture and a heartwarming storyline.Details about the movie’s plot have yet to be revealed, but given the success of “Chal Jindiye” and the excitement surrounding the announcement, “Boohey Bariyan” is expected to be another blockbuster hit in the Punjabi film industry.Fans eagerly await the release of the film, which promises to be a perfect blend of drama, comedy, and romance. With a star-studded cast and an experienced director at the helm, “Boohey Bariyan” is set to make a lasting impact in the world of Punjabi cinema.