Punjabi singer and actor Parmish Verma recently gained a lot of appreciation from his fans during a live show in Chandigarh. The artist fiercely defended his fellow Punjabi singer, Sidhu Moosewala, after some individuals from the crowd brought up a controversial topic related to Moosewala’s past.During the live show, some members of the audience began to troll Moosewala, making remarks about his involvement in the elections. Verma, who has been friends with Moosewala since 2016, did not hesitate to stand up for him. He reminded the trolls of his unwavering support for Moosewala during his difficult times, including when he stood in the elections.
This strong display of camaraderie and loyalty from Parmish Verma won over the hearts of the audience and has been highly praised on social media. Fans of both Verma and Moosewala took to the internet to commend Verma for standing up for his friend and not tolerating any negative comments.Sidhu Moosewala, a popular Punjabi singer and songwriter, has faced some controversies in the past. However, Parmish Verma’s support for his friend during the live show demonstrated the strong bond they share and the respect they have for each other’s careers.
The live show in Chandigarh continued without any further disruptions, and fans were delighted to see their favorite artists standing strong together. This incident not only highlighted the power of friendship but also sent a strong message against trolling and negativity.
Parmish Verma and Sidhu Moosewala have been a part of the Punjabi music industry for several years, and their friendship and mutual support have been an inspiration to their fans. With Verma’s recent act of solidarity, it is evident that the bond between these two artists is only growing stronger.