Famous Punjabi singer and actor Parmish Verma recently purchased a new G63 AMG Black, and he couldn’t resist showing it off on his social media accounts. The star went for a quick drive and stopped by a nearby Gurudwara to seek blessings and share his joy with his fans.
Parmish Verma shared a video on his Instagram account that showcases his stunning new car and his visit to the Gurudwara. The video starts with Parmish Verma sitting inside his new G63 AMG Black, showcasing the car’s sleek design and powerful engine. He then proceeds to take his fans on a quick tour of the Gurudwara, where he is seen paying his respects and seeking blessings.
The video has garnered a lot of attention from Parmish Verma’s fans, who have been congratulating him on his new purchase and praising him for seeking blessings from the Gurudwara. The star has always been vocal about his religious beliefs and has frequently visited Gurudwaras to seek spiritual guidance.
Parmish Verma is one of the most popular singers and actors in the Punjabi entertainment industry, and his fans have been eagerly awaiting his next project. His latest purchase has only added to the excitement, and his fans can’t wait to see him in action with his new G63 AMG Black.
In conclusion, Parmish Verma has purchased a new G63 AMG Black, and he recently visited a Gurudwara to seek blessings for his latest acquisition. The video of his visit has been well-received by his fans, who are congratulating him on his new car and praising him for his religious beliefs. Parmish Verma’s fans are eagerly awaiting his next project, and this latest purchase has only added to the excitement.