Renowned Punjabi actor, singer, and director Parmish Verma recently announced the launch of his own record label, SDA Studios. Named after his daughter Sadda, the label is all set to release its first album, “Slowly But Surely,” on May 26th, 2023. Showcasing six remarkable tracks, the album features the vocal talents of rising star Gurkaran Hans, who gained fame for his viral song “Dollar” on Instagram. The album’s music is composed by Shekh, with Parmish Verma himself serving as the producer. Amrinder Bhangu helms the project as its head, while Hardy Ludhiana takes on the role of business head.
Adding a unique touch to the album is its mention of “From the heart of Australia.” Parmish Verma, who lived in Australia for an extended period, aims to provide a glimpse into the lives of Punjabis residing in the country. This heartfelt connection is expected to resonate with the Punjabi diaspora and fans of the genre worldwide.
The six tracks featured in “Slowly But Surely” are as follows:
1.Ignore Them
Each track promises to deliver a unique listening experience, blending Gurkaran Hans’ soulful voice with Shekh’s captivating music. With Parmish Verma’s creative vision behind the production, fans can expect a fusion of modern Punjabi beats and traditional melodies.
“Slowly But Surely” will be released on SDA Studios’ YouTube channel and other music platforms on May 26th, 2023. As Parmish Verma’s new venture takes flight, fans eagerly await the album’s release, anticipating a fresh sound that pays homage to Punjabi culture and the experiences of Punjabis in Australia.