Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan took to social media to celebrate Raksha Bandhan in a unique and touching way. On this special occasion, she shared pictures featuring her family along with the song “Bapu Zindabad” by Inder Nagra. The post resonated with her followers, who appreciated the heartfelt gesture.The pictures posted by Sara included her father, Saif Ali Khan, along with his father, the legendary Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan, and her stepmother, Kareena Kapoor Khan. The inclusion of the song “Bapu Zindabad” added a nostalgic and emotional touch to the post, celebrating the bond of family and tradition.
Sara Ali Khan’s tribute to her family on Rakhi showcases the deep respect and love she holds for her roots. The choice of “Bapu Zindabad,” a song that celebrates the pride and legacy of fathers, was a perfect accompaniment to the family photos. Her followers were quick to react, flooding the comments with love and admiration for the sweet gesture.
This post not only highlighted the bond between siblings but also the strong connection Sara shares with her father and family. By sharing these moments with her fans, Sara once again proved that she values her family ties and cherishes the traditions that bring them closer together.