An unidentified drone spotted over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official residence in New Delhi sparked a security alert on Monday morning, prompting a swift response from the Delhi Police and the Special Protection Group (SPG).At around 5 am, the SPG, an elite force responsible for the protection of the prime minister, alerted the Delhi Police about the drone sighting. The police immediately initiated an investigation, conducting a thorough search in and around the area to track down the drone and its operators.
“The drone was seen flying over the PM’s residence early in the morning. This is a serious security concern, and we have launched an extensive investigation into the incident,” said a senior Delhi Police official.Security measures have been heightened around the prime minister’s residence, and the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), responsible for internal security at various governmental institutions, has been put on high alert.
This incident comes amid growing concerns about the misuse of drones for surveillance and potential terror activities. Across the globe, the increase in drone usage has prompted regulatory authorities to establish more stringent rules for drone operations, especially in areas where security is paramount.Prime Minister Narendra Modi was reportedly inside his residence at the time of the incident, but his office has not yet made a statement regarding the matter.
The Delhi Police are exploring all possible angles and are believed to be working with various intelligence agencies to identify the source of the drone. CCTV footages from surrounding areas are being scrutinized, and the local police are questioning residents and vendors who might have seen anything unusual.”The safety of our prime minister and the integrity of our national security are paramount. We are leaving no stone unturned to identify and apprehend the individuals behind this incident,” the official added.
The investigation is ongoing, and further details are awaited. This incident serves as a reminder of the emerging challenges that technology presents to national security, and underlines the need for robust and effective regulatory frameworks to counter potential threats.