Popular Indian musician and rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has been accused of assault and kidnapping by Vivek Raman, an event management company owner in Mumbai. In a complaint filed at the BKC Police Station, Raman made serious allegations against Singh and his associates, demanding their arrest.
Vivek Raman, the owner of an event management company, organized a programme called Festivina featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh in Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). However, Raman had to cancel the event scheduled for April 15th due to issues with money transactions. The abrupt cancellation infuriated Honey Singh and his associates, according to the complaint.
In the FIR lodged by Raman, he claimed that he was kidnapped by Honey Singh and his associates in retaliation for cancelling the event. He was allegedly taken to a hotel in Sahar, Mumbai, where he was abused and assaulted. Raman’s complaint demands the arrest of Yo Yo Honey Singh and his colleagues for their actions.
The BKC Police Station has registered Raman’s complaint and initiated an investigation into the matter. It remains to be seen what consequences, if any, this incident will have on the rapper’s career.Yo Yo Honey Singh, known for his catchy tunes and controversial lyrics, has been a prominent figure in the Indian music industry for several years. This latest controversy may significantly impact his reputation and future prospects in the industry.In the meantime, fans of Honey Singh and the general public await further developments in this case as the police continue their investigation.