The Punjabi film industry is set to captivate audiences with its latest offering, “Je Jatt Vigad Gya,” presented by Daljit Thind and slated for release on May 17, 2024. This cinematic venture is a proud collaboration between Thind Motion Films, JAB Productions, and Amor Films, promising to deliver an enthralling experience. Directed by the adept Maneesh Bhatt and produced by Daljit Thind, the film is co-produced by the esteemed Jag Boparai and Amarjit Singh Saron, ensuring a production of the highest quality.
At the heart of this film lies the robust performance of Jai Randhhawa, whose portrayal is complemented by the talented Deep Sehgal. The screenplay, a brainchild of Amarjit Singh, is brought to life through the dialogues penned by J. Maharishi, weaving a narrative rich in emotion and depth. The music, an essential pulse of Punjabi cinema, is masterfully composed by Avvy Sra, whose tunes are set to resonate long after the credits roll.