n a remarkable development for the Punjabi film industry, famed actor-singer Gippy Grewal is set to join hands with Bollywood legend Sanjay Dutt in a new cinematic project, “Sheran di kaum Punjabi” The upcoming film is a historical drama, penned and directed by Gippy Grewal himself, who has a rich portfolio of well-received films.
“Sheran di kaum Punjabi” takes audiences back to the time of Mughal rule in India, unfolding the riveting tale of a brave Sikh warrior in conflict with the Mughal Empire. While Gippy Grewal will step into the shoes of the courageous protagonist, Sanjay Dutt is entrusted with a significant role that adds substance to the narrative.
The news of this collaboration between the Punjabi star and Bollywood heavyweight has sparked considerable excitement among fans, with many eagerly anticipating their on-screen chemistry. The film promises to infuse the historical drama genre with Gippy Grewal’s signature directorial style, further enriched by Sanjay Dutt’s commanding screen presence.
The pre-production phase of “Sheran di kaum Punjabi” is currently underway, with the main shooting set to commence in early 2023. The film is targeted for a 2024 release in theaters, providing plenty of time to build anticipation among cinema-goers. The movie is being released under the banner of EastSunshine Productions, a name associated with quality content and memorable films.